Thursday, April 14, 2016

Some Attitude and Gratitude

Hi there! How are you doing this fine Thursday? Sorry I didn't post a word of the day yesterday, but I'm gonna make up for it this morning. We're going to talk about ATTITUDE.

One of my all time favorite quotes is got to be from Remember the Titans between Gerry and Julius. "Attitude reflects leadership, cap'n" it says so much, with so little. You can watch it right here <3

Attitude not only reflects leadership, but it effects everything we do. It effects us as soon as we wake up in the morning, to as soon as we close our eyes at night. Having a positive attitude can bring you so much joy, even if it's just a simple smile when you don't feel like smiling. Try this: Close your eyes, then smile for a least 5 seconds, take a couple deep breaths, and I promise you'll feel refreshed.

Not only does attitude change the way we think, it can change the way others view us too! I know we all have good days and bad days, but if you want to have more good days, have a better attitude. It doesn't have to be verbal, it can be nonverbal (such as the smile and/or high energy).

You can have a positive attitude with your body, mind, and spirit too! It's up to you to be kind, be patient, and be truthful. just like we talked about on Monday. Ways to have a positive attitude are:

Smile (as you can tell, it's my favorite) Smile till your cheeks hurt is my favorite! There's nothing better than when you smile, and get a smile back =)

No negative self-talk Don't back talk yourself (ex: I'm not rich, I'm never going to get a stable job, etc.)
Find the positive in EVERY situation. (Yes, it's hard, but seeing the bright side, helps us in our attitude toward a negative situation) Ex: I've started eating healthy, and I'm still fat! I made this mistake very often, which lead me to be depressed. Instead of negative mindset: Think of how eating healthier choices make you feel vs. how the unhealthy choices make you feel.

Breathe/Slow down: Our lives are busy, but we need to remember to stop and smell the roses. Meditate (This guy is great) It gives you a chance to take time in your day for yourself.

Since switching to intuitive eating, my attitude for myself has been positive and I feel unstoppable. I can't wait to inspire others, I can't wait to wake up and try something new to eat, a new exercise, or a new book.. I just feel like my attitude has completely shifted from the negative, self-absorbed to the positive, and assured. I want this for YOU too!!!

Now that you know a little bit more about why having a great attitude is important, go out, don't let fear decide your fate, and be the BEST YOU CAN BE. 

Please Comment, Follow me on Facebook and Twitter. I appreciate each and every one of you. 

#CoachedbyKayla "Where Healthy Habits Stick Like Glue"


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