Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hell with the Scale

Happy Thursday! How is everyone doing? I'm a wee bit tired today, but that's ok.

So...I've never been a number person, never been one to just divide, multiply, subtract for the fun of it without a math teacher in sight. But there has been a time in my life that numbers seemed to take over everything I did. It took the fun out of a lot of stuff. It took the fun out of me, honestly. It hindered me from looking for new clothes, eating more than salad, and it made me have a mental war with myself.

I'm talking about the scale. I'm talking about the weight game that made me hate myself. From pounds to kilos, I was obsessed with everything I did based on what the scale told me. If the numbers weren't going down, I had to be doing something wrong. I had to know what the numbers said, what the scale said, to make or break my day. I would weigh, then weigh again. At least 4 times a day, sometimes more! Have you done this to yourself?

The scale made me feel like a disappointment if I didn't weigh a certain weight, look a certain way, or wear a certain size. It was an enemy, a HUGE enemy, not a tool at all.

FLASH FORWARD!!!! The scale does not show muscle mass, the scale does not define you, the scale does not make you, it breaks you. Trust me. Instead of looking at the scale, look at and listen to how you feel. Have you drank more water, feeling a little bloated, the list goes on and on why the scales goes up and down. It doesn't show a number of things literally.

It can be a tremendous source for people to go to when they feel like it's the ONLY WAY to measure success towards fitness goals, I GET IT! But today, just say hell with the scale, and see how that makes you feel. You will know by the way your clothes fit, how your body feels if you are gaining or loosing.

Hope you found this helpful, inspiring , and useful to free yourself from diets, drama, and crunching weight numbers in your head. Please comment, follow me on Facebook and Twitter.



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