Monday, February 15, 2016

Mood Food: Ice Scream, You Scream, I wanted Ice Cream!

Howdy there beautiful people! It's Kayla comin' at ya...How was your weekend? They go by so fast don't they? Just the minute you feel like you were off on Friday, here comes Monday in the blink of any eye. Drives me crazzzzy. I'm not a big sleeper, usually no later than 8:00 or 8:30, but I could've slept the world away this morning. Could've been because of the snow, the cold, but I was out like a lamp!

I apologize because I haven't wrote in a while, I've had a horrible sinus infection for the past week, but I finally "manned up" went to the doc, and got some meds. I'm on the mend :) 

Anywho, did you try anything new this weekend? Food related or not? If so, comment below, please share. I'd love to hear about it! I tried some new eats that I wanted to pass along to ya'll today, as well as some old standbys that I haven't had in awhile. 

First and foremost, I made some interesting choices. Like PB and J yogurt and these weird kale chips that I'm obsessed with.

Here's some pics below. 

Surprisingly good, cheesy, and will kill Dracula haha!

Not bad, creamy, and slightly sweet and salty.
I just love trying new things!!! If I like them, good, if I don't, I don't. I call this mood food because I eat what I'm in the mood to try most of the time.

Now, we all know yesterday was ALL LOVERS DAY aka: Valentine's Day, right?
Full of yummy chocolates, surprises, long lines in restaurants, and all the good stuff that makes this day special, right? :)

Me and the man had fun going out the Saturday before Valentine's Day. He had to work on Valentine's evening, so we shared our time together the day before. It was the most interesting and fun time together!

Nick got a yummy fajita taco salad steak, and I got the same except for chicken. No cheese, no sour cream. Just wasn't feelin' too cheesy I guess (haha).

Sabroso (yummy!) 

BUT my favorite part of the night had to be stopping at Baskin Robbins to grab some ice cream. It's been YEARS since I actually enjoyed a scoop of ice cream out without binging on it, or thinking I couldn't have it again. I've allowed myself ice cream at home, but not out for a LONG time.

Sweet and delicious

It made me think of being a kid, which is fun! My dad and I used to stop here every time we went Christmas shopping. He always got red raspberry sherbet, I'd get blue raspberry sherbet. This time, I was craving strawberry ice cream. Just plain-jane strawberry ice cream, so that's what I got. It was yummy, sweet, and divine! Nick got mocha java chip. It was good, but I liked mine more ;)

Driving down the road, I even told him, it was the FIRST time, I had ever truly enjoyed a scoop of ice cream at a restaurant with him without being scared of calories, fat, etc. I've been recovered for a year almost, but this made me realize how grateful I am to how learned intuitive eating!

Okie dokie, after our lovey-dovey date, we went to visit my grandparents, talked a while, which is always nice, and ended the night watching 3 hours of Netflix.

The next morning, I gave him his gift, and a bass bro gift card, that I forgot to take a pic of, whoops! I made this little phrase up myself, our relationship is funny like that :)

Too cool 'ey?

Here we are.

I hope you ALL had a wonderful Valentine's Day, filled with no fear of food, love, and most importantly, excitement.


Have a wonderful day. Please follow me on Facebook & Twitter @coachedbykayla

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Sky's The Limit

Morning ladies and gents! I know we've ALL heard the phrase, "the sky's the limit" I first heard it back in elementary school when someone wrote this in my yearbook, but that little expression keeps coming up in my head, especially after this weekend. Primarily because of my husband telling me so, and partially because I want something new, something fresh, and I don't know what that is yet. I'm trying a new concept with you guys today to see if you like "Real-Life 101" discussions with Kayla. (Don't really know what else to call it, haha) Are you with me on this? If so, comment below.

Alrighty, lately, things seem a little hard trying to fathom between whether to go back to school for my master's, trying to decide where to move, when to be a mom, what is BEST for me, etc etc among many other things. I've just been stuck in a rut for the last little bit for trying to figure out my true passion. I feel like life's happening so fast, and I feel so unaccomplished, so not what I want to be, ya know?

The truth of the matter, when I stop-take a deep breath-and think, I am everything I need to be, but sometimes forget this. I am everything I need to be RIGHT NOW, at this moment in my life. It's a big world out there, with ONE BIG SKY! Hence, the sky's the limit. When you're down on yourself (we all get down from time to time) it's no fun if and we forget to see the beautiful day among us. My goal is to be more in the moment, so I don't get "stuck in the clouds" and not see the full sky. At times, we forget to see the clouds, the sun, the airplanes, the stars, everything that the sky truly holds.

That being said, realizing WHO YOU ARE at this point in your current life, is part of growing up. 

During this fork in the road, trying to decide who I am, what I want to be, I haven't let it get the best of me. I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. It's just a phase that allows me to keep pushing, and if you're going through hell, keep on movin' just like this song .

Side note: You can be ANYTHING you wanna be, ANYONE you wanna be!!!! Often, I worry about everyone else's feelings but my own. I worry that I will make them mad at me for doing what is best FOR ME, and this shouldn't be the case. DON'T DO THIS!

If the sky's is the limit, YOU have a huge amount of potential. Driving back from Louisville with Nick, I captured this shot. I forgot how big this sky-creature really is. We all have to keep pushing during the hard times, and that is when we will see our true successes. Have a blessed day.

Don't forget to find me on Twitter & Facebook.

#CoachedbyKayla Where Healthy Habits Stick Like Glue!