Friday, April 15, 2016


HAPPY FRIDAY YA'LL!!! I'm ready for the weekend, that's for sure. No big plans, but that's how I like it sometimes. I get enjoyment hanging low....Ok, here's our last word of the day today. I really hope you're finding these helpful <3

RESPECT is our word today. It's a big one because everyone deserves respect, and most importantly, YOU deserve respect. For yourself, your life, and your body. It's an amazing thing, this body of ours, so give it what it wants, and it will RESPECT you back.

Short story: As you all know for years I was obsessed with counting calories, food restriction, and over-exercised. Each day, I had no respect for what my body wanted/needed because I never slowed down to actually see what I craved, whether I needed to walk instead of run, or whether I needed to just rest. All important by the way. Has this happened to you? Last night, I was just plain tired, my feet hurt, my legs hurt, my body just hurt. I laid low on the couch all night, ate popcorn, and watched TV. It felt great! I'm glad I had enough respect to do this for myself. Used to, I would have to be on the move. Now, I have respect enough to slow down. =)


Find YOUR passion (mine is most definitely cooking and writing this blog). I get great joy writing about my past, in hopes to help someone in the future. Yours could be fishing, spending time getting pedicures/manicures, reading a book, the possibilities are endless!

Secondly, seek after answers of the WHY behind your WHAT. Finding out why you are counting calories, eating obsessively, or restricting yourself is as equally important to respecting yourself. It's really boils down to truly knowing what you need vs. what you society thinks you need. Try writing it out in a journal your feelings and read it back out loud too!)

Forgive yourself, admit what you're doing wrong, but also admit what you're doing right. Nothing is a mistake, we can always learn from our experiences.

Take Compliments from other people. Don't beat yourself up over weight, bad hair, bad skin, etc. If someone says your look nice, take the compliment and say THANK YOU. YOU DESERVE IT!!!

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter, have a great weekend.


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