Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year Resolutions NOT Restrictions

Hi all. Hope you're well and ready for the new year! New Year is a new time for new beginnings and new memories. I feel so refreshed when it's a new year for some reason, does anyone else? Anywho, I can't believe it's going to be 2016 in 2 DAYS!!! Crazy people, just crazy! Time flies by, that's for sure!

Ok, so today's post will be a little short. Hence the Christmas post here was a bit lengthy. Hope you liked seeing my holiday! I want to be concise and to the point with this one. Everyone, literally everyone sets New Year's resolutions and they're great. Don't get me wrong, I think having a goal to work toward is awesome and something to keep you motivated. (We all need some motivation from time to time, don't we? I know I sure do)...

But...I want to tell you the most common mistake in New Year's Resolutions. We all know the trend is to loose weight and hence the most goal to have. I understand, and can relate. However, how many times have you went to the gym, started to diet, then quit a month or two later? I've been, there done that. There's nothing wrong with wanting to loose some weight to feel great in those old jeans or to just be healthier, we all want to FEEL GOOD but I want to stress to you don't have to restrict in order to meet your goal. I call this the New Year's restriction instead of resolution since that's what people tend to do. I won't eat that, I'll be good just this once, I can't have that I'm on a diet, etc etc. It's a never-ending circle. Truth of the matter, if you take out food, you will want it more later. TRUST ME!

Tips to success:

1.) Find an exercise you love and stick with it (30 minutes a day for cardio, 30 minutes of weights 3 times a week). Slow and steady wins the race

2.) If you like something you like something, don't take it out, try to make it healthier if you want.

     {Example: Replace high fat ground beef with a healthier sirloin in those burgers}

3.) Don't beat yourself up if you try something you think you shouldn't
     {Example: If your friend wants to take you out for ice cream get a small one, and ENJOY IT! Life's too short}

4.) Be present with your food, eat at a table, not in front on the TV or couch.

5.) Eat in a calm setting with a clear mind.

Hope these tips help--I know they helped me when I stopped dieting and starting listening to my body.

Now, go out there--Have some fun for the rest of 2015 and BRING ON 2016! It's your year, be all you can the best you can yourself....moderation NOT deprivation! <3

Have a safe one.

Cheers to 2016

Talk to you soon,

Follow me on Facebook "Coached by Kayla"

Monday, December 28, 2015

After Christmas and Food Shenanigans

orning ya'll. Hope your Christmas festivities went well. Mine sure was a blast, and I hated to sendthem end. There were so many memories this year, so I wanted to share a taste of them with you.eware this post could be lengthy, so here it goes ;) Stay tuned...

Day 1: First and foremost, we always go to my dad's side of the fam. My grandparents and family here are wonderful fixing all the great food from ham, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, green beans, and more! Just look at this goodness.

 The "traditional" Christmas goodness, as I like to call it. It was such a good time full of laughter, memories, jokes, and more. The moment that sticks out in my mind the most, was my papaw showing me and my husband all his tiny toy trucks. They were all red fire trucks with rubber tires. To me, this was very special. When he opened the door, I seen a toy I played with as a child, which brought back a lot of memories. It came from a McDonald's happy meal, but I loved this thing. AND HE STILL HAD IT. Makes me smile!!! We ate, opened presents, ate again, talked, laughed, and it was great! We stayed till almost midnight and if you know me, this is well past my bedtime, haha!

Day 2: Me and the hubby had our Christmas on Christmas day <3 He got me exactly what I wanted (that little turd). I needed workout clothes badly people. I've been wearing my husband's t-shirts for far too long. Funny story, the whole time, Nick swore up and down that he didn't get me any workout attire. He said, "I'll let you get those because I have no clue what you want." That man, he loves to get on my last nerve and then surprise me. Can any of you relate? Anywho, me, the man, and the cats, had a good morning. Nice and easy going morning before heading to another gathering.

After our presents, we got ready for another road trip to my mom's side of the family. Traditional food here too people, but tasty. I wasn't too hungry for ham, so I settled for turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Then had 2 mini chocolate chip cookies. YUMMO, who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies? Here too, was a blessing in and of itself, my cousin's little boy Landon. This little redhead---he's too adorable. I held that little booger, and walked him around. It was so sweet! They grow so fast!

We also played dirty Santa, where things get a bit "rough" but totally fun! Lots more memories, laughs, and a couple of yells. I ended up with a mason jar pitcher and some small mixing/serving bowls which I love <3 (Sorry no pics of this).

Later on, we went to my parents house that night to open some more gifts. I got a cool back pack purse, a new spiffy watch, and some more goodies. It too, was a wonderful time. I even go to hear some of my dad's horror stories back in the day (which always sparks my interest--haha). I love my parents so much, they're wonderful. Here we are below in this infamous "family selfie."

Day 3: BREAK AND CLEAN UP....Awwwww, I tend to put everything away as it comes, but still had some major pick up if ya know what I mean? Who doesn't during the holidays, right?! Today was a break for me and Nick. We went to gym early, then chilled out in the house, which felt nice after all the hustle and bustle. That night we finally went through our neighborhood Christmas lights. I just love Christmas lights. So pretty and mesmerizing, ya know? Then we grabbed some Mexican. I got fish tacos, yum! EXACTLY what I was craving, and Nick always gets fajita taco salad--steak only. He never changes. It was something different to break away from Christmas food.

Day 4: Our last stop was Nick's family. We decided to have  mostly finger foods, which was yummy. I made some triscuts, smoked salmon spread, and capers (below). There was LOTS of other goodies too. Stuffed mushrooms, meatballs, potato salad, chicken fingers, and baked beans. It was divine. Makes me hungry thinking about it.

Not too shabby I'd say.

Then of course, presents. Got me some new kicks for the gym, a selfie stick, and house goodies. Oh, and some warm PJ's. I haven't had new pajamas in FOREVER so it was nice. Lots of memories here too. I love them lots and lots too! Here we are. <3

Neatless to say, I could go on and on about Christmas. It really opened my eyes this year. It was the first time, in a LONG time, I ate without a care of calories. First time in 10 years people! I ate what felt right. I even had some wonderful apple cake from my mother-in-law and a glass of whole milk. It was a nice treat! I would have NEVER allowed myself this in the past. Even the Christmas mashed potatoes. I want to tell you it was THE BEST feeling and THE BEST Christmas I had in a LONG time on both sides of the family. It was wonderful. From the stories, the food, and the laughter. I loved every moment. It made me realize life is too short to worry about one piece of cake, one bite of an oreo, or some fried chicken. Not just with food, but it made me realize a lot about myself.

Ok, we shall talk soon, have a blessed day. Please like, comment, and follow my page on Facebook "Coached by Kayla." and let me know what you'd like to read (food related or not, eating tips, recipes, tricks, etc...). Spread the word, I appreciate it.

Remember---YOU are WONDERFUL. YOU are GREAT!


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What's in it for me? Break Free for Good!

Hello lovely's! Hope you found the post here helpful on Monday! Please let me know if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them as fast and as best as I can :)

Today, we are going to place some attention on a common hurdle/question in regards to ditching diets for good. Lots of times after being on a strict food limitation or even an over abundance of food, the depriving ourselves to loose it all quickly for so long we don't know any other way. It's like we loose sense of how to eat. It happened to me. I couldn't tell if I was hungry, not hungry, bored, or none of the above. But then, I knew there had to be something missing. I wanted to actually enjoy my life and not let food be in control anymore. So I was determined to find a better way, and there is A LOT better way. That's why I started intuitive eating in the first place <3 Remember this post here ?

To "break free," as in the words of Ariana Grande's song, I ask myself first, "what's in it for me?" I didn't exactly know the answer when first starting to listen to my hunger cues, signals, tastes, etc. I actually didn't even know what I liked to eat. Did I really enjoy broccoli, or was it just because it was a "healthy option" "Did I really like chicken?" Come to find out, I liked a lot of foods I didn't think I could have. Which was a neat experience in and of itself! Love me so Greek food! And I didn't even think I liked York peppermint patties until I actually allowed them. Crazy right?!

Now...What's in it for me? It's a common question to pose. Do you have a fear of breaking free? When breaking free from calories, restriction, or whatever rule you follow, it's hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard for our minds to grasp the idea of allowing all foods in moderation. It can be extremely difficult to realize we can eat ALL foods and find a weight that is RIGHT FOR OUR BODY.  But this is possible! I felt as if I would be bigger than a barn if I even had one bite of something bad (like a cookie or bread, for example). But that's just because I was told that on all my diet phases, I couldn't have them. It was a lie.

Let me be here to tell ya, breaking free from dieting or over-eating then restricting will make you feel AWESOME! Finding balance, will make you feel so invigorated, so relieved. It will actually make you enjoy life that much more! You will actually have so much more to talk about other than food on your mind. You will be able to enjoy company and friends without fear and stipulations. I've posted a wonderful video to watch below from a wonderful lady on YouTube. Please enjoy below.

Let me know if you have any questions. I may not post on Christmas (Friday) but will talk to you next week on my how my eats and journey went for the first time.

Remember--No one has the perfect body. Be kind to yourself and food is NOT the enemy. Thank YOU for being YOU!!! Have a safe and blessed day.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Healthy Holidays

Good morning folks! (Or afternoon, whenever you are reading this!). I felt this was the perfect time and necessary to write this post about the holidays because I feared the holidays for a LONG TIME! I wasn't scared of presents, wasn't scared of seeing family that I may or may have not seen in awhile, I was just scared of one thing and one thing only...FOOD! It was either I would eat all the cookies, or none at all. The pics below pretty much sum up my holidays for the last 10 years, and I want to share with you how it can be changed.

I was either like this

Or I was like this 

I was NEVER like this

No matter if you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, or simply feel like getting in some Feliz Navidad spirit, I feel that whatever the occasion you celebrate, there is ALWAYS food on the table, right?! While this is the time of year you are suppose to be out enjoying the lights, eating some delicious pumpkin pie (my favorite) or hearing carollers sing, I was home scared to death thinking when and what I was going to eat to "ruin my diet" for the day or month, for that matter. If I wasn't on a diet at this time, I was eating all the candy "just because." Not truly enjoying the moment presented in front of me knowing this candy was made by love and how truly indulgent and delicious it tasted. I just ate it to eat it, thinking I would NEVER have this again! "Just this one time Kayla", I'd think. Or the opposite, not eat it at all, because of the calories, the fat, whatever. I feared it like the plague. Like it was sin or something...It was just food, but it had so much power over me. It was like a bad habit I couldn't break.

I remember ALWAYS taking my own food to my grandparent's house, ALWAYS made a healthy side dish because I couldn't eat theirs, (this is hard to say, but it was reality) and I ALWAYS watched everyone else eat that delicious ham or broccoli casserole, while I ate a my little salad and a small bite of turkey. I wouldn't eat dessert, take a bite of anything during my non-eating phase, and if I did "cheat" I couldn't stop eating, get sick, and start another diet again the next day. Always resolutions, one after another, after another, and THEY DIDN'T WORK! NONE OF THEM WORKED! I would beat myself up inside, then start all over again.

Now, ask yourself...Do you do this??? I know many people suffer from the battle of the bulge during the winter months (as I've heard it called). When there's nothing to do, we just eat, or maybe in your case, not eat or enjoy anything. (As I said, I've been there, done both).

There is a better way to not feel deprived, to actually be able to ENJOY the holidays and festivities with friends and family, and I want to share some healthy habits and tips with you <3

First and foremost:

1.) Ask yourself what sounds good. Does grandma's macaroni and cheese sound divine, or is it Aunt Becky's potato salad? What haven't you had in a long time or would like to try? For me, I gotta say I'ma casserole lover, as if you can't tell I've already talked about broccoli casserole I believe (hehe).

2.) Do not skip out the yummy candy, enjoy it, savour it, but don't feel like it's the only time you can have a peanut butter ball. In reality, you can have a peanut butter ball every day if and when you are craving one. (AND THAT IS OK!) It may sound weird at first, like your letting yourself go, but you're not, I promise. Your body will actually trust you and realize when to stop if you practice how you would like to feel after eating one or two.

3.) Don't feel bad, or "bash" yourself for not fixing something healthy and ruing your "diet." There is no perfect diet, eat in moderation, not deprivation. If you allow yourself a small bite of everything, you will feel more satisfied, and less likely to go back and binge. If you do feel a binge, take a couple deep breaths, walk away and start a conversation with a family member or friend :) If you find it hard for food to get off your mind, just remember it doesn't taste good when you eat 5 servings of broccoli casserole (see there I go again), or 3 cups of sweet potatoes anyway. (Yep, done that too!) If you feel anxiety when first taking a bite of something, realize that food has no control over you and WILL NOT make you fat if you just take a couple bites.

4.) Lastly, tune in to yourself, realize that the time during holidays is to ENJOY THE MOMENT. Make it fun, memorable, and realistic. Don't set yourself up for failure by saying you can't have something, or you will just eat it this ONE TIME. One time thinking turns into binging on that particular food. It's like you trick your mind into thinking you can't have something, so it wants more of what it can't have. (We're human afterall).
I hope you find these 4 tips helpful. Until this year, I never knew what the holiday season was truly about. I enjoyed them, but now, I truly enjoy them. Every bite of it (candy included). Have a safe a memorable holiday.

Please, like, comment, and follow on Facebook at "Coached by Kayla" and let me know if you have any questions. Have an AWESOME day!!!

Talk to you soon,

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin and Perfectionism

Hello all, hope you're well! I wanted to write this morning about being comfortable with yourself and perfectionism. These concepts were something that was hard for me to understand for so long when I struggled with an eating disorder. In both my binging days and my anorexic days, I never felt at ease with myself. I ALWAYS wanted to be someone I wasn't, ALWAYS wanted to be skinny (never fit) and ALWAYS had a negative self-image, ALWAYS. I hid it from others well, but it was hard, really hard.  Being perfect was my own thing. It wasn't because no one told me I was beautiful (because they did), it wasn't that I was never loved for who I am, (because I was always loved) it was simply because I thought I was needed to be someone I was not. I strived to be "foolproof" by counting calories and over-exercising, and strived to keep that "perfect body" in my eyes which was a size zero. (Very unrealistic people!) I counted broccoli, wouldn't allow myself dessert, or NEVER eat something fried or pizza with friends. I felt I couldn't because I wanted to be "perfect." I wouldn't dare slip. It was the only thing I thought I could control. I thought this was the only way to be, the only way to be ideal. Has this happened to you? Or does this happen to you? If so, keep reading...

We have a tendency to always want to look like America's next top model, the new Angelina Jolie, or the beautiful Brad Pitt, but false assumptions of ourselves lead us to not being comfortable for what/who we are. Not everyone needs to be a size zero or have no hips. Not everyone has a six pack or bulging biceps, and THAT'S OK! No one is defect-less, even the stars that seem flawless aren't. I'm sure they can tell you that when it boils down to it.

When I stopped trying to be "perfect" I thought my whole world was turning upside down. My head would spin, my heart would beat fast, and my nerves would get the best of me. It was hard, really hard, until I realized there was WAY MORE TO LIFE than being someone I wasn't. I have never been a fake person EXCEPT my food addiction/obsession was fake! In order to find true happiness, I decided to change for myself, no one else. When that days comes, you'll feel so relieved and empowered to change. I'll say, it wasn't easy, but nothing is, we just have to put our minds to it. On my recovery route, there were days where trying on clothes felt uncomfortable, I thought my belly was hanging out too much, or my legs weren't "gapped" enough, but the truth of the matter is, I was  comparing myself and self-sabotaging, which I talked about here . What we see on TV, magazines, newspapers, is not reality! Check out this pic below. Totally photo-shopped...

See the difference?
So how can you get comfortable with your own skin and not get caught up in perfectionism? Practice. I preach this in all my posts, but practice, practice, practice. Something that helped me the most was setting reminders on my phone every couple of hours saying things like: "you are worthy of all things," "I honor my body," "I am strong and beautiful." (Just to name a few). I found this helpful because while at work or wherever a little reminder would ding on my phone and put a positive message in my head. By seeing these every day, it helped me gain a better understanding of why I wanted to recover and truly appreciate myself. It took some time, but then I started to realize who I was and truly found myself in the process.

Today, I will leave you with this video, which I love. It talks about perfectionism. Remember to love yourself fully, honor yourself, and treat yourself with respect! You are WORTH IT! <3

Have a wonderful day!!! <3

Please comment, like, and follow me on Facebook under "Coached by Kayla!" I appreciate each and every one of you. Let me know if you have any questions or have anything you'd like to discuss.

All the best,

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Being in Tune with Your Tune....What is Intuitive Eating?

Good morning peeps! Happy Tuesday! I can't believe it's almost Christmas! I've finally made a dent in wrapping presents. FINALLY. I actually despise wrapping, but oh well, I try and get the job done as fast as possible. It's NOT MY THING. (hehe). Anywho, today I would like us to focus on the concept of intuitive eating. I titled it being in tune with your tune because metaphorically speaking the "tune" is your body. I would like to break down intuitive eating just a bit today and how your tune is your guide. Since this is what I am dedicating my coaching to, and this is what I truly live by, and believe in, I want to share it with you. Here it goes <3

We all wonder what happens when we stop dieting, when we actually listen to our bodies, and enjoy ALL foods in moderation, right? How do we not gain 100 pounds? How do we still wear our favorite clothes? Is this for me? Could I, should I, would I....The list goes on and on, but the answer is simple. DIETS DO NOT WORK LONG TERM. I know this from experience, I've been on and off them for about 10 years. I was a queen yo-yoer. Lived by diets, gained weight, lost weight, repeat. I tried 'em all South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, my own diet, the anorexic diet, all kinds. Until learning about this way of life, I NEVER thought there was another way. I never thought I would be able to enjoy an oreo without binging on it, eating before bed time, eat my mom's pie, bake a cake, or even enjoy cooking regular meals again. But I was wrong, totally wrong! Here's me and my dad on his birthday with a homemade strawberry cake we both enjoyed.

Now, before deciding to try out this lifestyle, I watched a Youtube video from a sparky little lady named Evelyn Tribole. She was so passionate about life and actually living it. She even wrote this book found here  that taught me a lot of ins and outs before actually deciding to get started on my road to recovery. I actually downloaded it on my iPad, read it, put it away, the read it some more before even deciding to get started. Neat-less to say, I was skeptical about all of this before getting started. But I am sure glad I did, it changed my life around.  I too, much like yourselves, thought, "what if I gain all this weight if I stopped counting all those calories?" "Can I actually have an oreo?" Can I eat white bread and real sugar, really? Is this possible? These were just some of the questions I posed A LOT when first deciding to jump on the bandwagon towards intuitive eating, and that's totally normal. IT'S OK...That's why I am here to guide you, lead you into the right direction, and show you how it's done. It can be done.

Highly recommend this book!!!

Ok, let's break down what intuitive eating actually is...According to "Wikipedia" (my college professors would die if I used this cite, but it works, haha)...intuitive eating is defined simply as: A nutrition philosophy based on the premise that becoming more attuned to the body's natural hunger signals is a more effective way to attain a healthy weight, rather than keeping track of the amounts of energy and fats in foods. 

In more simpler terms, I like to define it as, "a concept in which all food is allowed in moderation, without guilt, by listening to your body, most of the time." I've added most of the time because sometimes I even (and still do go overboard from time to time, it's called being human, and THAT IS OK!)--The peanut butter jars call my name every time :)

Whatever the case, I would love to here more from you, what you would like to see, and please comment, like, and follow me on Facebook under "coached by Kayla." I'd be happy to answer any questions, and help you get started.

Packages coming soon. Have a great day!!!

You are more than just a number!!


Friday, December 11, 2015

Exercise and Self-Sabotage

Good morning beautifuls! Today were are going to focus on exercise and self-sabotage. The quote above is exactly how I used to feel, all the time. I remember the days where I would go to the gym just for the sake of burning calories, walking 60 plus minutes a day (sometimes 2-3 times a day) just to make sure I wouldn't get "fat." I wouldn't dare tell a soul how many times I exercised. I knew my family would be concerned, so I kept it a secret. Heaven forbid if I didn't run a marathon every day, I thought I would immediately gain weight. While I was working out up a storm, I was internally hurting myself. My body would hurt, but I didn't care. I would walk so fast, so hard, constantly monitor the calorie meter on the treadmill, and still feel like I needed to do more. My mind wasn't in exercise for health, it was just in it for the sake of burning calories from last night dinner of grilled chicken with a couple of veggies. I wouldn't dare eat after 7:00 pm, wouldn't touch a cookie or much bread EVER, I felt that it would all make me explode! Have you ever done this? Why does society make us think that we have to be someone were not, that a cookie is bad, bread is bad. There's always some "fad" diet out there, just to gain money in our pocket books. Why, why, why, right? Well the truth of the matter is this, it's all self-sabotage and what we portray is good food vs bad food. REALITY CHECK: THERE IS NO BAD FOOD, say this with me again THERE IS NO BAD FOOD. It's what we hear, see, or read that makes of hate our image.

How do you overcome this misdemeanor and dilemma? Look at yourself in the mirror. If you find yourself pin-pointing flaws such as: "my arms are too big, my legs are fat" replace those thoughts with something positive like: "my arms are strong and beautiful or my legs are a sign of strength getting me from place to place each day, and I'm thankful for that." If we replace the negative talk with positive talk, each time something absurd comes in our head, with PRACTICE each day, our minds will gradually shift.

That brings up my next point. I used to constantly compare to others when exercising and walking my heart out. Why is she so fit? I'll never be like that. Her stomach is so flat, mine is big, why won't it just go away. Please DON'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF! Use what I call the "benefit of a doubt theory." Give her/him the benefit of the doubt whenever you find yourself looking at others. They were not always fit, you don't wake up with biceps. It takes time to get fit. Exercise is suppose to be for health and well-being, it's not about comparison traps. Today, I use that fit girl in the gym as inspiration to get better for myself. My muscles will come in given time, it doesn't happen overnight. Not as self-sabotage.

Please comment, like, and follow me on Facebook at Coached by Kayla. Have a wonderful day. <3

~I love this~

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Be Your Own Motivation and Tips to Combat Emotional Eating

Hi all,

Hope you had a fabulous day yesterday. It's HUMP DAY (as my favorite camel once told me, haha).

Remember this guy??? Makes me laugh everytime.

Today's post is going to focus on being your own motivation. Sometimes this seems hard, scary, and/or just simply feels unattainable. But I promise it's not. We can accomplish anything we put our minds to. It just takes a little patience and practice. Just like riding a bike, we didn't just jump on it without training wheels first. That being said, I've had those days where I literally just want to lay in bed and not do nothing but eat a bowl of popcorn, watch Netflix, grab a bag of Cheetos, point of ice cream, or exercise till I was blue in the face, and feel like what the heck is wrong is with me. In reality, I was using food/exercise as my motivation and comfort instead of trying to find the true meaning behind my emotions.

It's hard to combat our emotions when we feel depressed and/or alone, so lots of times we turn to food. Food is our friend in times of need, our comfort, our hidden obsession. How many times have you done this? We need to be our own motivation and find the true meaning behind why we turn to food or over exercising in the first place. True story: These were the times I would find myself binging over and over again. Eating cookie after cookie, granola bars, whatever I could find really. Then I would hide it, keep it bottled up, and feel ashamed. It was one big vicious cycle. Has this ever happened to you? You're probably asking yourself, how do I can overcome this? This what I know, this what I do. Candy bars make me feel good, chips are my friend. Emotional eating and binging is deeper than that. There is something that you're hiding within and it took me a long time to find other ways to cope rather than using food. I've made a list for you below to find comfort in other things besides food. Here they are:

1.) Get your nails done (or do your own nails)
2.) Take a hot bubble bath
3.) Color (or color with your kid if you have one) I love my Batman coloring book :)
4.) WRITE IT OUT (journaling is a great tool)
5.) Call a friend or go see one
6.) Shop till you drop
7.) Make something
8.) Sit outside with a nice cup hot tea/coffee
9.) Breathe
10.) Meditate (I personally like this guy on YouTube found here:

If you follow these 10 ideas/steps whenever you feel depressed for any reason at all, it will help fulfill that unmet desire. You are worthy of ALL things. Food is not the enemy, nor is it your only friend. A great motivational speaker once said...

If you have any questions, I'd love to help. Ask me anything, email, or just comment. I'd appreciate it, have a wonderful day :)


Monday, December 7, 2015

Who am I and What I do

My name is Kayla Douthitt. I, myself, had struggled with eating disorders for 10 years. I anorexic on and off, binged, and was ALWAYS on a diet. I never really enjoyed food, I thought it was "the enemy." I over-exercised, under-ate, counted calories relentlessly, and feared food. This time in my life left me unhappy, unsatisfied, and never in the moment. I felt that being "skinny" was the only way to feel good and the only way to look. I was never truly with my loved ones during holidays or birthday parties, I felt I always had to bring something healthy when I was "dieting" couldn't eat there food, or I would gain weight, and often times go a week without eating a mere 500 calories. This time in my life, I am not proud of, nor do I want to see you do this to your body. That is why I sought after answers, seeked help for myself, and found intuitive eating for the first time in my life. It's a process that doesn't happen over night, but it's worth doing. This is where I found to honor myself, my body, my mind, and my spirit.

This was me then....I may not look unhappy, but I was extremely unhappy and felt nasty ALL the time. I thought a size zero was huge. Crazy righ?!

This is me now....and feelin' fine most days.

Now, through intuitive eating, I am not afraid to eat my mother-in-law's broccoli casserole, my mom's mashed potatoes, or my grandmother's beans and cornbread. It took me a while to stop the fear, stop the over extreme exercising, and constantly crunching numbers in my head, but I did it! And my goal is to show you that you can too! I want to show you that eating what your body needs is not hard, you will not gain tremendous amounts of weight, and your body will be EXACTLY what is right for YOU! That is why I have designed this page to share experiences, recipes, coaching, and tools to help you succeed. I am here for YOU and to allow you to realize food is NOT the enemy. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Communication and have a wide knowledge health and nutrition. I love to cook, love to help others, and hold a smile on my face most days. I am not perfect, no one is perfect. I know this now, and I want you to find a happy medium, find yourself, and love your body. Feel free to email me at with any questions you have.

You can follow me on Facebook at

Kayla <3