Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What's in it for me? Break Free for Good!

Hello lovely's! Hope you found the post here helpful on Monday! Please let me know if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them as fast and as best as I can :)

Today, we are going to place some attention on a common hurdle/question in regards to ditching diets for good. Lots of times after being on a strict food limitation or even an over abundance of food, the depriving ourselves to loose it all quickly for so long we don't know any other way. It's like we loose sense of how to eat. It happened to me. I couldn't tell if I was hungry, not hungry, bored, or none of the above. But then, I knew there had to be something missing. I wanted to actually enjoy my life and not let food be in control anymore. So I was determined to find a better way, and there is A LOT better way. That's why I started intuitive eating in the first place <3 Remember this post here ?

To "break free," as in the words of Ariana Grande's song, I ask myself first, "what's in it for me?" I didn't exactly know the answer when first starting to listen to my hunger cues, signals, tastes, etc. I actually didn't even know what I liked to eat. Did I really enjoy broccoli, or was it just because it was a "healthy option" "Did I really like chicken?" Come to find out, I liked a lot of foods I didn't think I could have. Which was a neat experience in and of itself! Love me so Greek food! And I didn't even think I liked York peppermint patties until I actually allowed them. Crazy right?!

Now...What's in it for me? It's a common question to pose. Do you have a fear of breaking free? When breaking free from calories, restriction, or whatever rule you follow, it's hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard for our minds to grasp the idea of allowing all foods in moderation. It can be extremely difficult to realize we can eat ALL foods and find a weight that is RIGHT FOR OUR BODY.  But this is possible! I felt as if I would be bigger than a barn if I even had one bite of something bad (like a cookie or bread, for example). But that's just because I was told that on all my diet phases, I couldn't have them. It was a lie.

Let me be here to tell ya, breaking free from dieting or over-eating then restricting will make you feel AWESOME! Finding balance, will make you feel so invigorated, so relieved. It will actually make you enjoy life that much more! You will actually have so much more to talk about other than food on your mind. You will be able to enjoy company and friends without fear and stipulations. I've posted a wonderful video to watch below from a wonderful lady on YouTube. Please enjoy below.

Let me know if you have any questions. I may not post on Christmas (Friday) but will talk to you next week on my how my eats and journey went for the first time.

Remember--No one has the perfect body. Be kind to yourself and food is NOT the enemy. Thank YOU for being YOU!!! Have a safe and blessed day.


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