Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Being in Tune with Your Tune....What is Intuitive Eating?

Good morning peeps! Happy Tuesday! I can't believe it's almost Christmas! I've finally made a dent in wrapping presents. FINALLY. I actually despise wrapping, but oh well, I try and get the job done as fast as possible. It's NOT MY THING. (hehe). Anywho, today I would like us to focus on the concept of intuitive eating. I titled it being in tune with your tune because metaphorically speaking the "tune" is your body. I would like to break down intuitive eating just a bit today and how your tune is your guide. Since this is what I am dedicating my coaching to, and this is what I truly live by, and believe in, I want to share it with you. Here it goes <3

We all wonder what happens when we stop dieting, when we actually listen to our bodies, and enjoy ALL foods in moderation, right? How do we not gain 100 pounds? How do we still wear our favorite clothes? Is this for me? Could I, should I, would I....The list goes on and on, but the answer is simple. DIETS DO NOT WORK LONG TERM. I know this from experience, I've been on and off them for about 10 years. I was a queen yo-yoer. Lived by diets, gained weight, lost weight, repeat. I tried 'em all South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, my own diet, the anorexic diet, all kinds. Until learning about this way of life, I NEVER thought there was another way. I never thought I would be able to enjoy an oreo without binging on it, eating before bed time, eat my mom's pie, bake a cake, or even enjoy cooking regular meals again. But I was wrong, totally wrong! Here's me and my dad on his birthday with a homemade strawberry cake we both enjoyed.

Now, before deciding to try out this lifestyle, I watched a Youtube video from a sparky little lady named Evelyn Tribole. She was so passionate about life and actually living it. She even wrote this book found here  that taught me a lot of ins and outs before actually deciding to get started on my road to recovery. I actually downloaded it on my iPad, read it, put it away, the read it some more before even deciding to get started. Neat-less to say, I was skeptical about all of this before getting started. But I am sure glad I did, it changed my life around.  I too, much like yourselves, thought, "what if I gain all this weight if I stopped counting all those calories?" "Can I actually have an oreo?" Can I eat white bread and real sugar, really? Is this possible? These were just some of the questions I posed A LOT when first deciding to jump on the bandwagon towards intuitive eating, and that's totally normal. IT'S OK...That's why I am here to guide you, lead you into the right direction, and show you how it's done. It can be done.

Highly recommend this book!!!

Ok, let's break down what intuitive eating actually is...According to "Wikipedia" (my college professors would die if I used this cite, but it works, haha)...intuitive eating is defined simply as: A nutrition philosophy based on the premise that becoming more attuned to the body's natural hunger signals is a more effective way to attain a healthy weight, rather than keeping track of the amounts of energy and fats in foods. 

In more simpler terms, I like to define it as, "a concept in which all food is allowed in moderation, without guilt, by listening to your body, most of the time." I've added most of the time because sometimes I even (and still do go overboard from time to time, it's called being human, and THAT IS OK!)--The peanut butter jars call my name every time :)

Whatever the case, I would love to here more from you, what you would like to see, and please comment, like, and follow me on Facebook under "coached by Kayla." I'd be happy to answer any questions, and help you get started.

Packages coming soon. Have a great day!!!

You are more than just a number!!


1 comment:

  1. Very informative Kayla, thank you for your candor and refreshing advice. I agree that our intuition is an extremely valuable tool for living, and it makes perfect sense to utilize it for nutrition as well as the pleasure of eating.
