Thursday, January 28, 2016

What's Your Circle?

Howdy! Long time, no talk ey? Hope you found my eats exciting! I've been having fun with it. More to come for ya'll :) Did you have any ideas and eats you'd like me to try? I'd love to test 'em and share how they turned out!

Soooo....How many times do you find yourself looking at an empty bag of chips, cookies, or candy bars, and think how/why the heck did I do this? The truth of the matter is, when we tell our self NO NO NO, our body really is screaming and wanting to do the opposite. It's like a kid that way, always wanting to do the thing you told them, not to do. I've been there.

A vicious cycle that keeps going and going, right? A 360 degree circle that keeps happening and driving you crazy.

This one time, I was so depressed, I drove to a gas station, grabbed a gigantic chocolate chip cookie, ate the whole thing. Then, I drove to the grocery, grabbed some vanilla ice cream, and ate the whole gallon too! Did it make me feel better? Nope, it actually made me feel disgusting and more depressed. I did this for a LONG time, hiding it, gaining weight, then trying to work it all off. Again and again. This "circle" felt like I could never stop until I found intuitive eating. I began "allowing" these forbidden foods back in my life, and eventually the circle ended.

If you allow yourself cookies, candy bars, or ice cream (within reason) your body will trust you and rarely even crave this stuff! I promise.

My question to you is how do you handle emotional eating when things get out of control?

Together let's STOP the circle.

BTW...I just got twitter, follow me @coachedbykayla

Facebook: Coached by Kayla

And always...


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