Saturday, January 23, 2016

Anxiety Be Gone

 Hello everyone! Hope you're swell on this January 2016 day! Isn't life beautiful? I think so, and for the most part, I just started realizing it ALL OVER AGAIN in the past year.

Crazy? Perhaps...But I think not. I was stuck in my own little la la land for so long, I truly forgot what I was missing. I was scared to try new things, leave the house, had random thoughts of death (harsh, but true), and these weird feelings that just wouldn't leave! I'd panic right in the middle of the grocery for no apparent reason, just break down, right then and there. I'm sure everyone thought I was a weirdo, but oh well.

Truth of the matter, there was something deeper wrong with me. Something I couldn't EXACTLY put my finger on at the time, but it existed. I was so stubborn, selfish, had a "couldn't do this, couldn't do that" attitude. I must have been the worst wife, friend, daughter ever now looking back on it.

But, life's too short to regret the past. You can either learn from it, or run from it. I chose to learn from it =)

So this one time, at band camp (like in American Pie--just kidding)....Seriously, I realized that anxiety and depression DOES NOT control me, I control it.

How many times have you beaten yourself up over your weight, hated large crowds, freaked the flip out on someone you love, etc. We all have some acute nerves (especially us women, if ya know what I mean, but men do too!). It can be controlled through practice and awareness. If you are unaware, it's like the blind leading the blind. You don't know, what you don't know, and you can't help it. Believe I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY!!! <3

Someone once said, "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain," and this holds near and dear to my heart. Makes sense right???

When I started my yellow brick road to recovery, if you will, I didn't think I would EVER overcome food anxiety, over exercising, or under eating, but man I was wrong. And I HATE being wrong, (most of the time) but in this case it was a blessing in disguise.

The rain for me was trying new foods I once thought I hated (like sugar and bread). The truth, I didn't hate them, I was just scared of them. Days would go by, they felt so long but then....

The rainbow eventually came. I began getting my life back, piece by piece, day by day. I started noticing the "small stuff" that I love talking about. {i.e. sunshine, laughter, smiles, love} just to name a few...The anxiety, my anxiety, came from food and food alone. Once I "gave in" and lived a little (for lack of a better phrase) I truly was astonished how my anxiety got smaller and smaller. It wasn't easy, I felt crazy, sad, mad, scared, just about every emotion one could encounter, I encountered it, and then some.

 However, I'm so thankful I didn't let this bump in the road stop me! YOU, YES YOU can overcome anxiety as well.

Let me help you....I'm offering FREE consultations NOW through JANUARY 31st. All you have to do is spread the word, email me with your contact info, and comment below.

I'm here for YOU. Anxiety, whether through food addiction, abuse, malnutrition, whatever it may be, DOES NOT have to control your life.

Let's make it a happy one.

Find me on Facebook under "Coached by Kayla." Have a wonderful day!



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