Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tasty Tuesday Version 1.0

Hi all...how are ya? It's finally getting a bit warmer here in Kentucky. The sun is out, and I'm getting my tan on (haha). Okie dokie....

I'm starting a new series called "Tasty Tuesday" where I share recipes, ideas, tips, and tricks with you. It's been going on awhile on Facebook and some on Twitter, but now I want to share them on the blog too.

My goal is to show you that eating intuitively is always 100% clean, that you can have your cake, and eat it too so to speak...You can live free from counting calories grams, fat, etc...and enjoy food!

Not to mention (I just love cooking!!!) Besides writing, I love to experiment with new creations in the kitchen, making up new recipes, and trying some old standbys. It's my time to unwind be creative, and try new things. My great-grandmother, and grandmother gave me a lot of old cookbooks I've been looking through. They have things like, pineapple salad, meatloaf, and just plain country cookin' as I call it, so I may give some of them a whirl. Thoughts???

Today, we're starting with some pumpkin pie oatmeal.Good any time of the day. People get in the pumpkin mode for pie, but have you ever tried it in oatmeal? Surprisingly creamy and flavorful. Here's the recipe:

1 cup quick oats
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/4 milk of choice
1/4 maple syrup
Chopped almonds
Dark chocolate bits (till your liking or you can omit: I didn't have any this time but it's good)
Dash vanilla
Dash cinnamon
Dash salt
Cook oats according to your liking. Add in milk, spices, and pumpkin. Stir together. Then drizzle hot oatmeal with maple syrup. Top with chopped almonds and couple pieces dark chocolate chips. Enjoy!!

Comment below what you would like me to make next week. I'd love to hear what you'd like too See. 
Enjoy your day, and remember #CoachedbyKayla. Where Healthy Habits Stick Like Glue. 

Need a FREE CONSULTATION contact me via email, Facebook or Twitter. I'd love to work with you <3

Or just click this link here and it will take you straight there. 


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hell with the Scale

Happy Thursday! How is everyone doing? I'm a wee bit tired today, but that's ok.

So...I've never been a number person, never been one to just divide, multiply, subtract for the fun of it without a math teacher in sight. But there has been a time in my life that numbers seemed to take over everything I did. It took the fun out of a lot of stuff. It took the fun out of me, honestly. It hindered me from looking for new clothes, eating more than salad, and it made me have a mental war with myself.

I'm talking about the scale. I'm talking about the weight game that made me hate myself. From pounds to kilos, I was obsessed with everything I did based on what the scale told me. If the numbers weren't going down, I had to be doing something wrong. I had to know what the numbers said, what the scale said, to make or break my day. I would weigh, then weigh again. At least 4 times a day, sometimes more! Have you done this to yourself?

The scale made me feel like a disappointment if I didn't weigh a certain weight, look a certain way, or wear a certain size. It was an enemy, a HUGE enemy, not a tool at all.

FLASH FORWARD!!!! The scale does not show muscle mass, the scale does not define you, the scale does not make you, it breaks you. Trust me. Instead of looking at the scale, look at and listen to how you feel. Have you drank more water, feeling a little bloated, the list goes on and on why the scales goes up and down. It doesn't show a number of things literally.

It can be a tremendous source for people to go to when they feel like it's the ONLY WAY to measure success towards fitness goals, I GET IT! But today, just say hell with the scale, and see how that makes you feel. You will know by the way your clothes fit, how your body feels if you are gaining or loosing.

Hope you found this helpful, inspiring , and useful to free yourself from diets, drama, and crunching weight numbers in your head. Please comment, follow me on Facebook and Twitter.



Monday, April 18, 2016

Motivation Monday

Hi ya'll...Today's post isn't necessarily a post, however it is just simply a quick pick to keep you motivated for the rest of your day <3

I've learned to have patience with myself, which reflects the patience I have for others. It brings on a positive attitude, and makes me feel good throughout my day!

1. Have patience for yourself 
2. Have patience for your neighbor
3. Have patience just because.

Have a great day!!!


Friday, April 15, 2016


HAPPY FRIDAY YA'LL!!! I'm ready for the weekend, that's for sure. No big plans, but that's how I like it sometimes. I get enjoyment hanging low....Ok, here's our last word of the day today. I really hope you're finding these helpful <3

RESPECT is our word today. It's a big one because everyone deserves respect, and most importantly, YOU deserve respect. For yourself, your life, and your body. It's an amazing thing, this body of ours, so give it what it wants, and it will RESPECT you back.

Short story: As you all know for years I was obsessed with counting calories, food restriction, and over-exercised. Each day, I had no respect for what my body wanted/needed because I never slowed down to actually see what I craved, whether I needed to walk instead of run, or whether I needed to just rest. All important by the way. Has this happened to you? Last night, I was just plain tired, my feet hurt, my legs hurt, my body just hurt. I laid low on the couch all night, ate popcorn, and watched TV. It felt great! I'm glad I had enough respect to do this for myself. Used to, I would have to be on the move. Now, I have respect enough to slow down. =)


Find YOUR passion (mine is most definitely cooking and writing this blog). I get great joy writing about my past, in hopes to help someone in the future. Yours could be fishing, spending time getting pedicures/manicures, reading a book, the possibilities are endless!

Secondly, seek after answers of the WHY behind your WHAT. Finding out why you are counting calories, eating obsessively, or restricting yourself is as equally important to respecting yourself. It's really boils down to truly knowing what you need vs. what you society thinks you need. Try writing it out in a journal your feelings and read it back out loud too!)

Forgive yourself, admit what you're doing wrong, but also admit what you're doing right. Nothing is a mistake, we can always learn from our experiences.

Take Compliments from other people. Don't beat yourself up over weight, bad hair, bad skin, etc. If someone says your look nice, take the compliment and say THANK YOU. YOU DESERVE IT!!!

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter, have a great weekend.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Some Attitude and Gratitude

Hi there! How are you doing this fine Thursday? Sorry I didn't post a word of the day yesterday, but I'm gonna make up for it this morning. We're going to talk about ATTITUDE.

One of my all time favorite quotes is got to be from Remember the Titans between Gerry and Julius. "Attitude reflects leadership, cap'n" it says so much, with so little. You can watch it right here <3

Attitude not only reflects leadership, but it effects everything we do. It effects us as soon as we wake up in the morning, to as soon as we close our eyes at night. Having a positive attitude can bring you so much joy, even if it's just a simple smile when you don't feel like smiling. Try this: Close your eyes, then smile for a least 5 seconds, take a couple deep breaths, and I promise you'll feel refreshed.

Not only does attitude change the way we think, it can change the way others view us too! I know we all have good days and bad days, but if you want to have more good days, have a better attitude. It doesn't have to be verbal, it can be nonverbal (such as the smile and/or high energy).

You can have a positive attitude with your body, mind, and spirit too! It's up to you to be kind, be patient, and be truthful. just like we talked about on Monday. Ways to have a positive attitude are:

Smile (as you can tell, it's my favorite) Smile till your cheeks hurt is my favorite! There's nothing better than when you smile, and get a smile back =)

No negative self-talk Don't back talk yourself (ex: I'm not rich, I'm never going to get a stable job, etc.)
Find the positive in EVERY situation. (Yes, it's hard, but seeing the bright side, helps us in our attitude toward a negative situation) Ex: I've started eating healthy, and I'm still fat! I made this mistake very often, which lead me to be depressed. Instead of negative mindset: Think of how eating healthier choices make you feel vs. how the unhealthy choices make you feel.

Breathe/Slow down: Our lives are busy, but we need to remember to stop and smell the roses. Meditate (This guy is great) It gives you a chance to take time in your day for yourself.

Since switching to intuitive eating, my attitude for myself has been positive and I feel unstoppable. I can't wait to inspire others, I can't wait to wake up and try something new to eat, a new exercise, or a new book.. I just feel like my attitude has completely shifted from the negative, self-absorbed to the positive, and assured. I want this for YOU too!!!

Now that you know a little bit more about why having a great attitude is important, go out, don't let fear decide your fate, and be the BEST YOU CAN BE. 

Please Comment, Follow me on Facebook and Twitter. I appreciate each and every one of you. 

#CoachedbyKayla "Where Healthy Habits Stick Like Glue"


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Word of the Day: Trust

Hey folks! Hope you liked my post here about love. Was it helpful? I hope so, because I want you too feel love for yourself.

Today, as I sit here this morning, the "'word of the day" that keeps popping up in my mind is TRUST. It's a word that is often mistaken or misused; however, it is oh so very important when it comes to paying attention to your body. It's something that we're taught as kid, but loose sense as we get older. Remember when it was ok to eat ANYTHING literally ANYTHING you wanted and how good it felt? That's because your body trusted that you.

 I've used this example on many of my posts, but when I first started to intuitively eat, I ate ice cream, cookies, and quest bars. It tasted so good, ALL time. Eventually, I grew out of that phase and actually started craving others things. Like apples, almonds, veggies, etc...I allowed myself to have a lot of sweets at first, and then I didn't want them as much. Although, I still love me a cookie dough quest bar. MMM MMM....That being said:

Let's talk about what we typically see on TV/Media verses What what trust really does for us. 

1. We must count calories (TRUTH: Not gonna happen long term. I was obsessed, but I didn't know how many calories my body needed in a day; therefore, my body.mind.spirit was never satisfied).

2. We must eat 5 times a day to see real results (TRUTH: Not true either, what if I only want 3 meals one day, or what if I wanted 6 the next?)

3. I have to exercise every day (at least twice) to burn off all the calories I ate to loose weight (TRUTH: Nope, your body runs on calories for fuel, if you're empty, then there's no fuel for the fire, so to speak. It's like an empty gas tank)

4. There is only good food vs. bad food (TRUTH: No way, food is food. When you put labels on it, then everything seems off limits. However, there are better choices, but sometimes your body needs a cheeseburger, ya know? Believe me, when you listen, you won't want it every day)

5. Diets are the only way to live, I'll just eat junk if I seek the truth! (TRUTH: At first you might, but later you won't. Our bodies were not meant to only survive only processed foods all the time.)

It's a process. You have to TRUST yourself to rest after a workout, you have to TRUST yourself after eating lunch, then wanting more an hour or so later, you have to TRUST that you need all carbs for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Why? Because our bodies are like a machine. You have to trust it needs more one day, and less the next. Think of yourself as the Terminator (aka: this guy).

Hope you are finding these words of the day helpful. My hope is to inspire someone to be inspired and to share the love I have found when paying attention to my body.

If you have any questions, want more info, or just need some advice, I would love the opportunity to help you. Comment, email me at (kayladouthitt15@gmail.com) , and follow me on Facebook and Twitter under "Coached By Kayla" and remember you are worthy of all things. Have a wonderful day!!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Feelin' Lovey Dovey???

Morning, afternoon, or night ya'll....Wherever you're at, I want to reach to you and say HEY! This weeks posts are going to focus on a "word of the day" type thing, and this morning I want to talk about LOVE! <3

In the words of John Paul Young,"Love is in the air, every where I look around." Love can be one of the most beneficial things we do in our lives if we want to feel truly fulfilled. However, as the picture said above, it is the most hardest because we can be our own worst enemy. We seem to hear or see the negatives in ourselves sometimes without even noticing. How many times have you told yourself "You're Looking Good Today!" and truly meant it? Not enough...How many times have you even said you actually were GREAT at something? Not enough....The list goes on and on. We seem to get caught up in our busy lives and not take the time to love our true self for WHO WE ARE. We are ALL wonderful people, we ALL want to succeed in life somehow, and we all DESERVE love!

To find to true love in yourself, you must:

1.) BE KIND (say nice things to ourselves,"Great job at work today!" "I am an awesome cook/baker" etc...)
2.) BE PATIENT (it doesn't happen overnight--nothing does)
3.) BE TRUTHFUL (accept the little embarrassments, the quirks, the things you're not great at, and the wonderful things you do well too!)

As we get older, it's hard to make the time, we overlook the small stuff that we do right, and we over think EVERYTHING! That makes love that much harder. However, it will make you feel wonderful in your relationships, work, finances, and more when you find YOUR LOVE!

Right now, take out a piece of paper, write 5 things you actually like about yourself,  (I bet you can think of more!). Post them up somewhere. On a wall, a mirror, on your gym bag, at your desk/wall at work, wherever you feel comfortable. (And it's not silly, anywhere that can be seen is a great spot for positiveness!

Remember, self-discovery can be such a rewarding experience. You will find out once you find LOVE in yourself, LOVE for others will soon follow. Have a great day, and comment below with any questions, concerns, anything. Let me help you.

Find me on Facebook , Follow me @coachedbykayla on Twitter , and sign up for my emails by sending me a private message to: kayladouthitt15@gmail.com


"Where Healthy Habits Stick Like Glue" 

Friday, April 1, 2016


Hello sweets! Who's glad it's Friday? Whooo--rahhh! Anyone have any plans? Last week my husband, dad, and I went fishing. Didn't catch a darn thing, but it was fun <3

Okie dokie...

Today, I want to share something a little more "light-hearted" with you all. It's about loving yourself at all times. No matter what anyone WANTS you to be, no matter what YOU think you should be, just be YOU-NIQUE Being yourself is the single most important things we can do in our lives. A wise man once told me--(aka Dr. Seuss) Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter, don't mind. This guy is full of epic quotes. =)

I'll admit, being you-nique is sometimes hard to master. We ALWAYS seem to want to please everyone else, we always want to be everyone's best friend (or at least I did), and we always want to be the person society says we should be. But what is should be? I feel only you know, and that's what makes you...YOU.

Is it ok to put chocolate milk instead regular milk in your cheerios? Yes!

Is it ok to sing in the rain? Yes!

Is it ok to dance in your car at a red light? Yes!

Is it ok to be a size 8, 10, or 12? Yes!

See, we put so many expectations on ourselves, that we forget to stop and smell the roses. We forget and loose sense of what being unique really is. Today, I want you to be YOU-NIQUE, I want YOU to be solely invested with eating whatever tickles your fancy, whatever songs you want to listen to, and whatever exercise feels good to YOU. I want YOU to be YOU.

Watch this song

Love you all, have a great day!

Follow me on Twitter here and on Facebook

**Coached by Kayla: Where healthy habits stick like glue!